Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Over Optimistic America

My original opinions on the American dream still hold true, that America is a great country, and complete fulfillment of our dreams is still very much with in our reach. I think the problem is, is that that's the problem. I often have a quite cynical view of American society at large, so forgive me if I sound harsh. This problem with the American dream is that at one point it was extremely obtainable for most. During times of great prosperity  American dreams are coming true left and right. As it begins to become the norm for American dreams to be fulfilled, people begin expecting their own dream to come true. This isn't a rant on how American's are lazy, it is just that natural when we see the norm to be people prospering, we expect that average effort will make our dreams come true. What we don't see is the effort put in to achieve that American dream. It seems to be that times of American prosperity are often tied to the effort put forth to achieve the American dream. The more people lust for their dreams, and the more effort they put forth, the higher the chances of their success. Of course fluctuations in economic and social mobility have a multitude of other factors but, I think that the lust for the American dream also changes. In order to achieve our American dreams, we need not look to other's and see how easy their success was, but look to our dreams. Focus on our own hopes and dreams and our chances of fulfillment will certainly increse

Friday, November 2, 2012

The American Dream

I have always thought that the American Dream is not a single belief, or goal that applies to everyone. It is what you want in your life, but the phrase highlights the fact that America is a country were it is possible for you to accomplish your dreams. I know it may sound cliche and idealist, but I think that America is a great country, you can say what you wan't be who you want to be with and best of all, make the change you want to see. The American Dream is simply what you want it to be, but in a place like America, it becomes far more accessible. I know that in this country  there is wrongful discrimination, laws that prevent people from accessing their American dream and cultural road blocks for some, but what is so great about America, is that you can change America to help fulfill your American Dream. Change is always occurring in America, and it is by the will of the people, not the government. So make what ever you want your American Dream to be, whether it be buying a house on the beach, having a family, or running for office, and know that you have your best chance at making this dream come true in America.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Playing Chicken with Human Rights

                Chick-Fil-A has mighty good food, their chicken is far healthier than a burger and fries, and they promote healthy eating and other positive life style choices. One thing that Chick-Fil-A has done wrong though, is having an aggressive anti homosexual stance, or as they would put it; a pro heterosexual stance.  It was recently uncovered that Chick-Fil-A donated more than 5 million dollars to Christian organizations with an anti gay agenda.  It would be one thing if Chick-Fil-A donated to unbiased Christian organizations or no organization at all. Although every person has a right to their own personal beliefs and ideals, a company also has the ability to make a political stance whether or not it be an advantageous business practice. Discrimination is different, when a company openly admits to supporting organizations that support the ostracizing and discrimination of a minority, it not only questions the company’s business practices, but it validates the erroneous belief that homosexuals are different and their life choices are to be judged and scrutinized. This country is a free country, a country where a business can say whatever they want about whomever they want. We as a free people can openly decided which business we decide to patronize based on their products and their beliefs. I certainly will not patronize a business that preaches discrimination and intolerance towards anybody, no matter how good their food is. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Opiate of the Masses

 Karl Marx famously said "Religion is the opiate of the Masses". Opiates can be used responsibly to help aid patients who are suffering severe pain, but it can also be abused as a very addictive drug that can destroy communities. Religion embodies both aspects. In the United states, religion is often used as an excuse for hatred towards anybody and everybody. People wield Religion as a weapon to oppress people of a different walk of life. This use of Religion dates back to the early days of the United States. Religion was used as an excuse for slavery, killing of Indians and other heinous crimes against humanity. On the other hand, religion can be used to help people less fortunate and other positive actions. Large charitable organizations such as Habitat for Humanity are often started by religious groups. Religion often inspires hope and structure to peoples lives, there is no doubt that Religion has done good for many. Religion is just like government, money or resources. In the hands of the right people with the right intentions Religion can be used for good, it can also be used for evil. 

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were two great visionaries; they had both had ideas that would change America into what it is today. Although they were both visionaries, they both had very different visions of what America could be. Jefferson was a strong proponent of the Bill of Rights; he supported agriculture and a strong state government. Hamilton wanted a large federal government, akin to the British Monarchy. He believed that industry and trading were the keys to the nation’s success. Jefferson wanted a quite agricultural collection of states; Hamilton wanted an industrial power house of a nation that would dominate the world market. Fast Forward 200 years and we see a combination of these juxtaposed positions. America’s strong government has been a main player in foreign trading and politics. Its people as a whole though embody more of a Jefferson approach, they support human rights, farming and reduced foreign dependency. The American government embodies Hamiltonian ideals whilst the people are pro Jefferson. This duality creates an interesting dynamic that gives America the ability to eat its cake and have it too. On one side its strong Hamilton influenced government can drill deep for oil into the Gulf of Mexico, start wars overseas and set up prisons on a communist countries soil. The American people rally against this government – the occupy Wall Street movement, protests against federal spending and human rights abuses. Jefferson and Hamilton clashed on many ideas about what the country could be, and today the Government and the People clash about what the country has become.